Reddit has launched first-party measurement tools for the first time.

The new features, Reddit Brand Lift and Reddit Conversion Lift, will enable advertisers to monitor campaign performance on the platform more efficiently.

Why we care. Advertisers can now access improved campaign performance data, empowering them to validate investments, optimize strategies more efficiently, and enhance their attribution models. Ultimately, this could lead to maximizing impact and achieving higher returns on ad spend (ROAS).

Reddit Brand Lift. Utilizing a randomized controlled survey overseen by Reddit’s in-house Marketing Science team, this tool gauges the added effect of Reddit Ads on brand perception. The survey examines campaign particulars, including:

  • Ad format, creative
  • Audience targeting
  • As Placement
  • Engagement prompts
  • Audience calls to action

It also analyses campaign objectives, such as:

  • Awareness
  • Favorability
  • Recall
  • Consideration

The study looks at all of the above to understand overall brand perception after people see a campaign on Reddit.

Reddit Conversion Lift. This tool analyzes the next steps taken by users after viewing a campaign on Reddit, using the Reddit Pixel, Conversions API and/or Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP) integration. It analyzes campaign conversion metrics such as:

  • App install
  • Page visits
  • Leads
  • Add-to-carts
  • Purchases

How it works. The new features work in conjunction with Reddit’s existing third-party measurement tools to give advertisers a more detailed insight into the performance of their campaign.

Reddit Brand Lift and Reddit Conversion lift are available to all Reddit managed advertisers based in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • UK
  • US

Reddit Conversion Lift is only compatible with the Reddit Pixel, Conversions API, or Mobile Measurement Partners.

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What has Reddit said? Jim Squires, Reddit EVP of Business Marketing and Growth, said:

  • “The way advertisers and marketers measure success is constantly evolving, and understanding impact beyond traditional signals like clicks has become increasingly important to understanding campaign effectiveness.”
  • “Through Reddit Brand Lift and Reddit Conversion Lift, we’re proving what we’ve long known to be true: that advertising on Reddit is highly measurable and highly effective, and when paired with our comprehensive suite of third party measurement tools, our advertisers have access to holistic insights that support their investment on Reddit.”

Deep dive. Advertisers can contact Reddit Ads for further information about Reddit Brand Lift and Reddit Conversion Lift.

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